Custom rehab work:

   After rehab work

Exterior rehab - prep work, pressure wash, scrape and sand prior to painting, patching if needed with 2 part epoxy patch, prep, tape, mask, cover and protect as needed any items that is not receiving paint. Any loose nails or boards needing to be set in place and re nailed will be taken care of. And replacement of rotted trim if needed. After all prep work is completed an oil base primer coat is applied to pentrate and seal all aged wood work. Once primer coat is complete and dry and no additional prep work is needed we will apply a finish coat of premium quality 100% Acrylic Latex paint - your choice of color.   

Before - Bathroom ceiling damage from a leak  

After - repaired ceiling by adding new drywall, textured ceiling and painted walls with a neutral paint color

Before picture - Bathroom ceiling damaged

After picture

Before picture

After picture